* The Stanford Prison Experiment has become a legend in the study of popular psychology. In The Experiment, the jail recreation is fictionally dramatised in a contemporary German town and continued to completion. Social psychologist Richard Wiseman talks about the film and the experiment.
The Experiment is released on Friday 22 March, certificate 18.
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* The 15th anniversary of Primo Levi's death falls early next month and is marked by the appearance of two biographies: by Ian Thompson and by Carole Angier. Both books were read for Front Row by Robert Gordon, Senior Lecturer in Italian Literature, and the biographer Richard Holmes.
Primo Levi by Ian Thomson is published by Hutchinson and The Double Bond by Carole Angier is published by Penguin Viking.
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* Wind-up and set-up shows have increased in popularity on TV. The latest series to take advantage of humans' high peculiarity threshold is Make My Day which starts tonight on Channel 4. Emily Bell of The Guardian talks about Make My Day - and a separate controversy over secret filming which coincidentally broke today.
Make My Day starts tonight, 21 March, on Channel 4 at 10.00pm.
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* The frequent use of exclamation marks as punctuation is considered cheap and pushy: the literary equivalent of a too-loud tie. This prejudice, however, hasn't harmed the musical Oklahoma!, and John Barth, one of America's most serious writers, has called his new novel Coming Soon!. John Sutherland exclaims on the subject for Front Row.
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