In both rural and urban Romania, the music is dominated by gypsy acoustic bands. The violins, cimbaloms, accordians and rustic voices of Taraf de Ha茂douks are now well known, but there is much more, as this overview of the varied regional traditions shows.
Simon Broughton is editor of World Music: the Rough Guide and has been travelling to Romania since the 1980's.
Listen to the whole programme (17'36) or click on any of the tracks to the left.
Doina de Haiducie
by Taraf de Ha茂douks
album: Romanie; Musique des Tsiganes de Valachie
Ocora Fiddler Nicolae Neacsu imitates a shepherd's flute on this tune about brigands (Haidouks).
I'm Very Sad
by Panseluta Feraru
album: Lautar Songs from Bucharest
Long Distance Example of the more polished urban gypsy singers found in Bucharest's restaurants and clubs.
Fast Csardas
by Csizar Aladar
album: Original Village Music from Upper-Mures Region
Fono This fast dance typifies traditional Transylvanian string bands.
My Mother's Rosebush
by 惭耻锄蝉颈办谩蝉
album: Morning Star
Hannibal Hungary's leading singer explores her country's historic links with Transylvania.