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Instrumental Insights: Robert Samuel, Trumpet

Take a moment to hear the stories of our brilliant musicians.

We spoke to Robert Samuel, who plays trumpet for 成人快手 NOW, to find out more about him and how he started playing. We discovered that being a musician has given Rob memorable moments, including how he once performed in medieval dress and how music has even led to love…

成人快手 NOW: Hello Robert! Thanks so much for taking part in this ‘Instrumental Insights’ series. Let’s start by finding out how you became a trumpet player – what was your journey to playing it?

Robert Samuel: I started playing the cornet first, and it was by complete chance. I was 8 years old, and my best friend was going to his local brass band, Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen, for a lesson, and I just tagged along. I immediately loved playing and thrived at a young age. It was a few years later that I also started learning the trumpet and playing in youth orchestras.

成人快手 NOW: So, another of our players that started young then, but how has playing the trumpet positively impacted on you Rob?

Robert Samuel: Playing a brass instrument has had a massive impact on my life. I am so glad that I chose an instrument that's included in large and small groups! The camaraderie that you get being a part of a large group, be it a brass band or orchestra, is brilliant. I first met my wife whilst playing in the Cory band, and the rest is history…

成人快手 NOW: That’s a lovely story! So, what do you most enjoy about playing the trumpet?

Robert Samuel: One of the aspects of playing that gives me the most pleasure are the brass chorales that we get to play. That feeling of everybody in our section clicking together and trying to achieve that perfect balance and blend. When it works, it's spine tingling!

成人快手 NOW: It must be exhilarating when things go right, but there must be frustrations to playing the trumpet too?

Robert Samuel: Well, for me the most frustrating thing about playing a trumpet is only being able to play a single musical line. I get very jealous of pianists playing amazing pieces and concertos that sound complete on their own. The level of repertoire that they have in comparison is startling.

成人快手 NOW: Has playing the trumpet ever given you any funny moments?

Robert Samuel: The funniest moment that I have had playing the trumpet has to be during my college years. A friend of mine and myself were booked as fanfare trumpeter at a very posh function in central London. Our job was to recognise who was arriving in their limousines and play an appropriate theme. The difficulty was, that they had asked us to play natural trumpets. When Elton John, Paul McCartney, Damon Hill and others arrived, I can't quite imagine what we sounded like. But sometimes we all do things to scrape some money together! We were also dressed in medieval clothes! Great memories with lifelong friends.

成人快手 NOW: You must have had many during your career, but what’s your single most memorable moment playing the trumpet please Rob?

Robert Samuel: One of the most memorable moments for me, was being a member of the EUYO (European Union Youth Orchestra). We had the opportunity at a young age to perform in Europe’s finest concert halls, with likeminded and talented musicians. Alpine Symphony in the Wiener Musikverein, Vienna, lives long in the memory.

成人快手 NOW: What would you say to encourage all the budding trumpet players out there?

Robert Samuel: The one piece of advice that I would offer any aspiring trumpet players is to perform at every opportunity! Don't wait to be asked, try to find opportunities to be a soloist with amateur orchestra's and choirs. You will only be young once… so go for it.

成人快手 NOW: These are strange times, and we are all missing hearing the 成人快手 NOW musicians practice and perform, but how are you keeping your musical skills going right now?

Robert Samuel: Whilst the orchestra are on this enforced break, I’m trying to play as regularly as I can. Morning practice works best for me, as when my four children get going, it's hard to find the time later! Family time is so important during this very stressful time, but the normality of schoolwork and trumpet practice breaks the day up nicely.

成人快手 NOW: Outside of playing for 成人快手 NOW, what do you enjoy doing Rob?

Robert Samuel: Family time is so important. I love being free to take the children to their after-school classes. I am also a fanatical rugby fan! I have a Scarlet's season ticket with my Dad, and this is one of my passions. I go to most Wales games with my Dad, and love travelling West to see my beloved scarlets. West is best.

成人快手 NOW: And finally, what are you most looking forward to about playing with 成人快手 NOW again in the future?

Robert Samuel: Getting back to playing in the orchestra is going to be such a relief. That feeling of 80 musicians all pulling in the same direction is so powerful, that you really miss the adrenaline hit that you get during a live performance.