Interview: Fergus Ewing MSP
The SNP MSP on his suspension, his clashes with the Greens, and bullying allegations.
The SNP MSP on his suspension, his clashes with the Greens, and bullying allegations. MSP for Inverness and Nairn and former Rural Economy cabinet secretary Fergus Ewing sits down with Podlitical to discuss his efforts fighting for fishermen and farmers, and being an "apprentice rebel at 66" when it comes to speaking out against his own party's plans - sometimes in a theatrical fashion. Ewing talks about the allegations by civil servants of bullying, denying his behaviour crossed a line, but claiming he wishes he could have "handled things slightly differently" in hindsight. An outspoken critic of the Scottish Greens and the Bute House Agreement, Ewing explains why he believes the Greens in Government are "extremists" and why things haven't been going "particularly well" for the SNP recently.
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