The Allusionist Episodes Available now

When there are no safe spaces, language is a refuge, a lifeline, a keeper of secrets.

Lauren Marks is mid-karaoke... then wakes up in hospital with only a 40-word vocabulary.

Apologies are such important verbal transactions. So why are so many of them so bad?

How do apples get their names?

Swear Pill
Swearing is good for you! Be sure you swear properly to optimise the positive effects.

The Box
How and why do you rename a building or equation or theory that is named after someone?

In English law, the word 'mother' becomes semantically very complicated.

No Title
A seemingly trivial incident at the bank propelled me down a linguistic road of no return

Yes, As In
"As in the animal?" "Is that a stripper name?" "What were your parents thinking?"

Fiona part 2
"Fiona might not have quite the history that you imagined, but it's a beautiful history."