Total Dramarama Series 1 Episodes Available now

Inglorious Toddlers
12/47 Owen struggles with the idea that he is about to lose his BFF to a gifted military school.

Ant We All Just Get Along?
13/47 Owen and Beth decide they must defend the ants that Courtney and Leshawna want to harm.

A Licking Time Bomb
14/47 Owen and Noah unwittingly become cookie moguls but must hide their odd secret ingredient.

The Bad Guy Busters
15/47 Izzy wants to play a superhero game but has difficulty persuading her friends to join in.

Tiger Fail
16/47 Gwen refuses to be pressured into choosing an ice cream flavour that she does not want.

That's a Wrap
17/47 Chef takes the kids on a trip to a museum, and Duncan goes on a mission to scare Courtney.

Having the Timeout of Our Lives
18/47 Duncan convinces Owen to start misbehaving to show him how much fun their timeouts can be.

Hic Hic Hooray
19/47 Bridgette gets the hiccups for the first time and tries desperately to get rid of them.

Melter Skelter
29/47 Beth sets out to get rid of all their old toys, hoping Chef will buy the new toy she wants

From Badge to Worse
21/47 In order to earn her final Girl Campers badge, Courtney must win Gwen's friendship.