Episode 17
Iona Ballantyne welcomes two-time Commonwealth champion swimmer Hannah Miley and inspirational fourteen-year-old Katie Pake to the 360 studio.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes two-time Commonwealth champion swimmer Hannah Miley to the 360 studio. She finds out what Hannah has been up to since retirement.
Iona also hears from inspirational swimmer Katie Pake. Following a diagnosis of cancer when she was just nine years old which resulted in the amputation of her leg, fourteen-year-old Katie talks about her love of swimming. 360 also hears from Dundee United captain Danni McGinley about life in SWPL 1 since promotion and her career thus far.
Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte air Hannah Miley, tè a bhuinnig bonn òr dà thuras ann an snà mh aig na Geamaichean a’ Cho Fhlaitheis gu stiùidio 360 an t-seachdain ‘sa. Cluinnidh i dè tha Hannah air a bhith ris bhon a leig i seachad a dreuchd, agus cluinnidh iad bho snà mhadair Katie Pake. Nuair a chaidh innse dhi gu robh aillse orra aig aois naoi bliadhna a dh’aois, chaill i cas agus tha Katie, a tha a-nis ceithir bliadna deug ag innse mun ghaol a th’aice air snà mh. Cuideachd, tha 360 a’ cluinntinn bho sgiobair Dundee United Danni McGinley mar a tha dol dhaibhsean ann an SWPL 1 agus a dreuchd gu ruige seo.
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