Episode 8
Iona Ballantyne welcomes para-athlete Rebecca Sellar back to the studio, we hear from Leia Swan about life as a player and a dentist, and in snooker we speak to young player Sophie Nix.
Iona Ballantyne welcomes para-athlete Rebecca Sellar back to the studio. We catch up on what Rebecca’s been up to recently, and have a look at how the SWPL 1 table is shaping up. Elsewhere in football we hear from Kilmarnock’s Leia Swan about life as a player and a dentist, and in snooker, we speak to young player Sophie Nix about her up and coming career.
Tha Iona Ballantyne a’ cur fà ilte air lùth-chleasaiche Paralimpeach Rebecca Sellar dhan stiùidio an t-seachdain ‘sa. Gheibh sinn an naidheachd as ùra bho Rebecca agus coimheadaidh sinn air cò ris a tha clà r an SWPL1 coltach gu ruige seo. A’ fuireach le ball-coise, cluinnidh sinn bho cluicheadair Cille Mheà rnaig Leia Swan mun beatha mar chluicheadair ball-coise agus fiaclair, cuideachd ann an snùcair, bhruidhinn 360 gu Sophie Nix airson cluinntinn mun dreuchd san spòrs thuige seo.
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