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Ukraine export crisis: 'We have two months before grain rots in the silos'

The war in Ukraine is causing a food crisis around the world, as Russia and Ukraine together export a third of the world's wheat and barley supplies - and half of global sunflower oil. The World Food Programme has warned of mass starvation in countries around the world because of the Russian blockade of Ukraine's Black Sea ports. That blockade is already causing shortages and a sharp rise in prices. President Putin has so far denied his country is responsible for the disruption, blaming instead what he called anti-Russian western sanctions.

Andrey Stavnister, co-owner of a commercial port 22 kilometres northeast of Odessa, explains how much foodstuff was currently being stored in ports he owned, waiting to be exported.

Photo shows: Cargo ships are docked in the Black sea port of ODESSA, Ukraine, November 4, 2016. Credit: Reuters

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