Ep 6 | Rùm
Coinneach agus Hamish a’ cuimhneachadh le toileachas air turas a ghabh iad gu ruige Rùm. Coinneach and Hamish look back fondly on their trip to the Isle of Rum.
Anns a' phod-chraolaidh seo, tha na gillean Dà na Coinneach agus Hamish a’ cuimhneachadh le toileachas air an turas a ghabh iad gu ruige Eilean Rùm, à rd os cionn na neòil a’ coiseachd An Cuiltheann Rumach le seallaidhean do-chreidsinneach. ‘S dòcha nach eil An Cuiltheann Rumach a cheart cho aithnichte ‘s a tha An Cuiltheann Sgitheanach, ach tha eireachdas anns na slèibhtean seo nach faicear an à ite sam bith eile. Tha na gillean ag aontachadh gur e seo fear dheth na tursan a b’ fhèarr a bh’ aca riamh. Deagh dhòigh gus crìoch a chuir air an t-sreath!
In this podcast our bold boys Coinneach and Hamish reminisce with fondness about their trip to the Isle of Rum, traversing the incredible skyline of the Rum Cullin, high above the clouds, enjoying the unforgettable views. The Rum Cullin might be less well-traversed than their Skye counterparts, but these mountains possess a unique beauty to be found nowhere else. The boys give this adventure a resounding 10 out of 10, agreeing that it was their best trip ever. A perfect end to a superb series!
Dà na: Scotland’s Wild Side
Outdoor expert Kenny Rankin takes us to some of the most enthralling corners of Scotland.