Inside Cinema Shorts Episodes Available now

Locomotion Pictures
All aboard! Go trainspotting with Inside Cinema for an in-depth survey of trains on film.

Millennials on Film
Grab your avocado toast as we look at a misunderstood generation鈥檚 life on film.

Unmerry Christmas
How - and why - the best Christmas movies are far from heart-warming.

Cats Entertainment
The perfect companion to our purr-fect companions: a history of felines on film.

Star Wardrobes
Inside Cinema rifles through the robes, capes and costumes of a galaxy far, far away.

Taboo Breaking Bollywood
Nikki Bedi and Inside Cinema tour the cutting-edge of socially-conscious Indian cinema.

Bumbling Detectives
Inside Cinema trains its magnifying glass on a pratfalling archetype of crime fiction.

Forever Young
How digital de-aging is conquering Hollywood, granting stars eternal, cinematic youth.

Childhood Nightmares
Why are some of the most nightmare-inducing movies actually intended for children?

Disney Divas
Are the villains of the Disney animated universe the real heroes we need?