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β€œYou can’t be bald without a statement earring!”

Genesia Kalsi talks stripping off for social media, and why she first shaved her head.

Twenty-one-year-old Genesia Kalsi, aka β€œQueen G”, strips off with Kat and Jen and reveals what prompted her to shave all her hair off. The self-confessed extrovert talks about how proud she is of her Punjabi roots, the beauty of going bra-less and why she’s started talking to herself in the mirror.

The actress chats about how posting photos of herself in undies on social media helped her view herself in a new light and she shares the secrets of her kick-ass attitude to body confidence.

The trio discuss how best to deal with inappropriate touching and unsolicited comments and why best friends are the best when it comes to ingrowing hairs.

This episode is brought to you from chez Harbourne again this week. Kat’s reflecting on the future whilst Jen’s experiencing weird pains down below and banging on about Jon Ronson’s podcast.

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Polycystic ovary syndrome:
Huntington's Disease:
Jon Ronson's podcast:
Ovarian cancer:
Eve Appeal:

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55 minutes
