I'll Tell You a Tale of a Wife
A song by Robert Burns, written in 1789.
I'll tell you a tale of a Wife,
And she was a Whig and a Saunt;
She liv'd a most sanctify'd life,
But whyles she was fash'd wi her cunt.
Poor woman! She gaed to the Priest,
And till him she made her complaint;
'There's naething that troubles my breast
Sae sair as the sins of my cunt'.
'Sin that I was herdin at hame,
Till now I'm three score and ayont,
I own it wi' sin and wi' shame
I've led a sad life wi' my cunt'.
He bade her to clear up her brow,
And no be discourag'd upon 't;
For holy gude women enow
Were mony times waur't wi' their cunt.
It's naught but Beelzebub's art,
But that's the mair sign of a saunt,
He kens that ye're pure at the heart,
Sae levels his darts at your cunt.
What signifies Morals and Works,
Our works are no wordy a runt!
It's Faith that is sound, orthodox,
That covers the fauts o' your cunt.
Were ye o' the Reprobate race
Created to sin and be brunt,
O then it would alter the case
If ye should gae wrang wi' your cunt.
But you that is Called and Free
Elekit and chosen a saunt,
Will't break the Eternal Decree
Whatever ye do wi' your cunt?
And now with a sanctify'd kiss
Let's kneel and renew covenant:
It's this - and it's this - and it's this
That settles the pride o' your cunt.
Devotion blew up to a flame;
No words can do justice upon't;
The honest auld woman gaed hame
Rejoicing and clawin her cunt.
Then high to her memory charge;
And may he who takes it affront,
Still ride in Love's channel at large,
And never make port in a cunt!!!
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Works read by Dawn Steele—The works of Robert Burns
All her recordings from the 250th anniversary project.
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