Meridian Episodes Available now

Meridian Short Story Competition announced
Meridian launches its own Short Story Competition

Ibn Sina, Philosopher of the Persian Golden Age
The life and achievements of Ibn Sina, the great 11th-century Persian scientist and writer

Masterpiece – the Mona Lisa
Why has Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa mystified and intrigued for 500 years?

Music Review – Tone Poems by Sibelius
The month's top CDs include Sibelius's Tone Poems recorded by the Lahti Symphony Orchestra

Maya Angelou on the Power of Words
Interview with American poet, academic and campaigner, Maya Angelou

John Steinbeck – Voice of the Dust Bowl Refugees
The life and works of American author John Steinbeck, born 100 years ago

Vladimir Spivakov – A Life Devoted to Music
Vladimir Spivakov, Russian violinist and conducto talks about his career and vision

What's in the Method for actors?
Finding out about The Method, the most famous approach to acting in the world

Edna O'Brien – Murder in a Dark Landscape
Irish novelist Edna O'Brien talks about her new book, based on a triple murder

The Wild World of Peter Matthiessen
Peter Matthiessen talks about his work as novelist, naturalist and campaigner