Inheritance Tracks Episodes Episode guide
Akram Khan
Dancer and choreographer Akram Khan shares his Inheritance tracks.
Ainsley Harriott
Be My Life's Companion by Mills Brothers; I Want a Little Sugar in my Bowl by Nina Simone
Aggie Mackenzie
Aggie MacKenzie, former MI6 operative turned presenter of ‘How Clean is Your Donald...
Adrian Dunbar
Hear My Song Violetta, performed by Josef Locke and A Hard Day’s Night by The Beatles.
Adrian Chiles
The broadcaster, writer and proud Brummie shares the music that shaped him.
Ade Edmondson
Ade Edmondson
Adam Kay
The doctor turned bestselling author on the music that has shaped his life.
Adam Hills
The comedian discusses the music that has shaped his life.
Adam Henson
The farmer and broadcaster on the songs that remind him of fields and family.
Adam Henson
The presenter picks Golden Brown by The Stranglers and Life on Mars by David Bowie.
Adam Ant
Adam Ant: I Survived – Adam Faith; Get it On – Marc Bolan and T.Rex
25 May Caroline Quentin
Actress and presenter Caroline Quentin shares her Inheritance Tracks.