From Nixon to Carter (1969-1980) Podcast
From America’s great hope after Nixon’s election victory, to disillusionment after Watergate through to President Carter’s election. A fascinating social, cultural and political history of American life, through the words of British-American journalist and broadcaster, Alastair Cooke (1908 – 2004).
Episodes to download
Assassination attempt on Ford
Fri 12 Sep 1975
Are presidents too at risk to mingle with crowds, and is it necessary in the TV age?
Ford on Portuguese revolution
Fri 22 Aug 1975
Ford warns Soviets on interfering in Portugese revolution.
US/USSR handshakes, 1975
Fri 18 Jul 1975
Russian-American handshakes in space, and the denunciations of Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
English language problems
Fri 30 May 1975
Same language, different country can lead to misunderstandings.
Cambodia gunboat diplomacy
Fri 16 May 1975
Reports that the US has sunk three Cambodian ships lead to tense diplomacy.
Arab-Israeli peace deal collapses, March 1975
Fri 28 Mar 1975
Arab-Israeli peace deal fails. King Faisal shot. Cambodia collapses.
Women's Lib, 1975
Fri 21 Mar 1975
Equal Rights amendment splits both Women's and Men's Lib factions.
Changing United Nations
Fri 27 Dec 1974
How the power balance at the UN is shifting to the Third World.
TV news coverage, 1974
Fri 29 Nov 1974
America's rolling TV news coverage, and why it makes for better democracy.
Boston busing crisis, 1974
Fri 18 Oct 1974
The violent protests against W Arthur Garrity Jr's forced busing in South Boston.
Gerald Ford, the new man in the White House, 1974
Fri 23 Aug 1974
New revelations about President Gerald Ford's past, are discussed by the press.
Nixon's resignation speech, August 1974
Fri 16 Aug 1974
Nixon's resignation speech. No apology from Nixon in resignation speech.
Nixon's resignation, 1974
Fri 9 Aug 1974
Nixon's political downfall and resignation on 9 August 1974.
San Francisco: Detroit of the Pacific?
Fri 7 Jun 1974
The crime, gang problems and skyscrapers spoiling San Francisco, and Patty Hearst.
Fri 10 May 1974
When lobbying goes too far, and degenerates into morally contemptible corruption.
Should Nixon resign?
Fri 9 Nov 1973
The Arab embargo on oil to the US, and what the polls show about Nixon's reputation.