The Bush Sr Years (1989-1992) Podcast
George Bush鈥檚 presidency, the Panama invasion, the Soviet bloc collapse and the first war in Iraq. Alistair Cooke's fascinating look at American life.
Episodes to download
Sexual harassment and Judge Clarence Thomas
Fri 11 Oct 1991
Exploring Anita Hill's sexual harassment allegations against Judge Clarence Thomas.
America鈥檚 children, families and education
Fri 4 Oct 1991
Concern over the state of the American education system and President Bush's reforms.
Relations between Israel and the US
Mon 30 Sep 1991
The strained relations between Israel and the US; the plight of Middle Eastern refugees.
Colonel Oliver North's trial
Fri 20 Sep 1991
The trial of former Marine Colonel Oliver North over the 1986 Iran-Contra scandal.
Congressional hearings
Fri 13 Sep 1991
Some prominent tv trials and congressional committee hearings.
President Bush and Winston Churchill
Fri 6 Sep 1991
President George H W Bush's handling of foreign affairs helps his re-election.
Gorbachev's nuclear arsenal
Fri 30 Aug 1991
After Yanayev's 1991 August coup, who is in charge of the Soviet nuclear arsenal?
The August Coup, 1991
Fri 23 Aug 1991
Gennady Yanayev and the Gang of Eight grab for power in the 1991 coup against Gorbachev.
UN economic sanctions
Fri 16 Aug 1991
Could the United Nations' economic sanctions have crippled Saddam Hussein?
Mayor David Dinkins asks NYC public
Fri 9 Aug 1991
Mayor of New York City, David Dinkins, asks the public for advice on social problems.
President George W H Bush鈥檚 re-election
Fri 2 Aug 1991
Is President George H W Bush unbeatable in the next election?
Bank of Credit and Commerce International scandal
Fri 26 Jul 1991
John Major's comments on the Bank of Credit and Commerce International scandal.
Gorbachev and the G7 summit
Fri 19 Jul 1991
How the world now sees Gorbahev and the 1991 G7 summit in London, England.
Stress related illness
Fri 12 Jul 1991
How stress related illnesses have become acknowledged in both America and Britain.
Gavrilo Princip kills Duke Franz Ferdinand
Fri 5 Jul 1991
How Serbian Gavrilo Princip murdered Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austro-Hungary.
Nude dancing in Indiana
Fri 28 Jun 1991
American Supreme Court decides whether nude dancing in Indiana violates the 1st Amendment.
Boris Yeltsin's White House visit
Fri 21 Jun 1991
Boris Yeltsin's visit to the White House in June 1991 contrasts with his one in 1989,
Michael Weiss the zip code wizard
Fri 14 Jun 1991
How Michael Weiss' research into zip codes can aid advertisers.
Freedom of Information
Fri 7 Jun 1991
Should the Department of Defence publish a list of Iraqi casualties from the Gulf War?
Tompkins Square Park Riot (1988)
Fri 31 May 1991
How riots in Tompkins Square Park were sparked by social injustice.
Passive smoking and cholesterol control
Fri 17 May 1991
How the Food and Drug Administration combats public smoking and cholesterol.
President Bush鈥檚 heart surgery
Fri 10 May 1991
President Bush's heart surgery leads to the scrutiny of vice president Dan Quayle.
May Day protest in Moscow
Fri 3 May 1991
The 1991 May Day parade in Moscow is discussed with UN Soviet Ambassador Andrei Gromyko.
Nancy Reagan's biography
Fri 26 Apr 1991
Is an unauthorised biography of ex-president's wife, Mrs Reagan, just salacious gossip?
Gorbachev鈥檚 Japanese investment trip
Fri 19 Apr 1991
Why did Gorbachev's visit to Japan fail to encourage financial investment?
President Bush defends Gulf War
Fri 12 Apr 1991
President George H W Bush has to defend his Gulf War actions against Saddam
CNN post-war malaise
Fri 5 Apr 1991
How CNN's constant Gulf War coverage has led to post war malaise.
Gorbachev's Yeltsin rally ban
Fri 29 Mar 1991
Gorbachev's banning of a Yeltsin rally in Moscow worries Alistair Cooke.
Ambassador Glaspie's interventions
Fri 22 Mar 1991
Did April Glaspie's conversations with Saddam Hussein aid the 1991 Persian Gulf War?
John Maynard Keynes
Fri 15 Mar 1991
Can John Maynard Keynes' economic strategy help Congress divide their 1992 budget?