Everyday Ethics Episodes Episode guide
Do we deserve more, too many saints and CS Lewis
Do we deserve more, too many saints and CS Lewis.
Do Religions Play Down Jesus' Teachings on Non-Violence?
What would our world look like if the non-violence which Jesus preached was practiced?
Do our food choices contribute to climate change?
Audrey challenges the subjects of diet, food miles and its impacts on the planet.
Do OAPs Have Total Autonomy Over Their Lives?
Does society try to police the morals of the older generation?
Divisions in the Anglican Communion. How death affects everything we do in life. And Irish dancing the gospel.
Anglican, Death and Praising God with Irish Dance
Divided we fail?
Is our education system in hoc to politics and religion?
Disability Living
Three people with intellectual disabilities talk about their lives, hopes and dreams
Derry Girls and degrees of religious difference - myth or reality?
Do Catholics and Protestants really think and feel differently about everyday life?
Derry Girls - The Way We Were..And The Way We Are Now..
Going back to 1998, as captured in the final episode of the final series of 'Derry Girls'
Dementia and sexual consent
Can a person with dementia have the capacity to give consent to sex and marriage?
Dehumanising The Enemy
Audrey Carville and a panel of experts, discuss the crisis in Israel/Palestine
Defining Freedom
Is freedom always conditional?
Defending The Faith - The Challenges Faced By Queen Elizabeth During Her 70 Year Reign.
Audrey explores the of role faith in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II
Decriminalisation of prostitution, a Sinner in Mecca and the nun who inspired U2's Bono
Debate on decriminalising prostitution, a Sinner in Mecca & nun who inspired U2 lyrics
Debt and North Korea
The ethics of debt and, what to do about North Korea
Death, Forgiveness and Dawn Chorus
Why are we so reluctant to accept the inevitability of our passing?
Dealing with dementia
What is it like to live with dementia, what are the causes and will there be a cure?
Days of future past, the changing face of the family and the ethics of giving
Days of future past, the changing face of the family and the ethics of giving.
Dawn of the Cyberwars?
Will the next major war be a cyberwar?
Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell
The woman who changed astronomy forever- on science, sexism and religion
Cutting the Cake
Stormont's cuts start to bite, is it time to decide priorities from scratch?
Cutting taxes - who benefits?
Who will Friday's mini-budget help the most, and what might be the knock-on consequences?
Cryogenics; Corporation tax; Flags
How ethical is it to freeze your body after death?
Cremation vs. Burial
Should Churches actively promote cremation rather than burial?
Creating a fairer society
Claire Graham talks to her Sunday Sequence panel about creating a fairer society for all
Covid Passports
A sensible, logical step or the beginning of the end of personal choice?
Cosmetic Surgery for Teenagers
Is it ethical for teenagers to resort to cosmetic surgery?
COP26 Closing Weekend
Good Cop or Bad Cop? The climate change conundrum comes to a close
The UN's climate change conference is taking place in Glasgow. Will it lead to action?
Continued Paramilitary Attacks
Are paramilitaries transitioning away from criminality or consolidating their power?