Everyday Ethics Episodes Episode guide
Is Cash King for Aid?
Is cash the best option for Africa's ills? And Astral Weeks is fifty years old this week.
Is Being Worse Off The New Normal?
So if the 'new normal' is that we're going to be worse off, what can we do about it.
Institutional failure - is it hardwired into their DNA?
Why do institutions abandon their ideals and resort to self-preservation?
Informing on your family & Chastity
On Everyday Ethics with Audrey Carville this week - the struggle to deal with the loss...
Inequality and Stolen Girls
A discussion on inequality in society and Wolfgang Bauer on Nigeria's stolen girls
In Work and in Poverty?
Are more and more people who are working are doing without basic necessities?
In A Cost Of Living Crisis - Is Saving The Planet Important?
Do ethical choices in energy needs take second place to political interests and concerns?
In A Climate Crisis, Is It Selfish To Have Children?
Is it ethical to add more people to the world's population?
Immigration, Philantrophy and Legacy
This week on Everyday Ethics with Roisin McAuley - dabbling at the edges while people...
If religion doesn't divide us, what does?
Why in an increasingly secular state are we still so segregated?
If I could live my life again
Rev Chris Hudson reflects on what, if anything, he would change about his life now
Ian Goldin on the new Renaissance, the pharmaceutical companies killing off the death penalty, and is intelligence overrated?
Ian Goldin, pharma companies and the death penalty, and is intelligence overrated?
Ian Goldin on the new Renaissance, the end of the lethal injection? And is intelligence over rated?
Ian Goldin, the end of the lethal injection? And is intelligence over rated?
Human impact in Afghanistan
Mark Devenport is joined by a panel for an extended discussion on the humanitarian crisis
How will you be remembered?
Assets, values, achievements? What will we pass on to future generations.
How Will The War In Ukraine End?
What are the ethical challenges of the war in Ukraine - should peace talks begin?
How western powers have shaped the Middle East we know today.
Can those power really me honest brokers in any mediation?
How we live
If the lights continue to go out on the High Street, what do we do with our city centres?
How the Great War shaped our World
How does the First World War continue to shape our idea of our past, present and future?
How should Christians react to the Paris attacks?
Our panel dicuss a Christian response to the Paris attacks, plus U2's spirituality
How Do We Measure Success?
What constitutes success? Also, Brother Guy Consolmagno, The Pope's Astronomer
Honours,Syrian Civil War, Science and Wonder
Is the honours system fit for purpose? Humanitarian catastrophe in Aleppo and Science
Honours and Justice
When is it legitimate to remove someone's honours?
成人快手lessness, the Chaplains at Nuremberg and Radio Ulster's School Choir of the Year.
成人快手lessness, the Chaplains at Nuremburg and Radio Ulster's School Choir of the Year.
成人快手 may be where the heart is, but what about the bumps and spills along the way?
Holy Communion, Human Rights, Conan Doyle
Catholics who only turn up for the high days. Rights and responsibilities
History and Handshakes
Handshakes in high places - is the healing getting down to street level?
Hillsborough: Can only justice bring closure? Our dependence on "Blood Oil" & Can there ever be a "just" war?
Can justice bring closure? "Blood Oil" & Can there ever be a "just" war?
Hidden Debt
Why do we lie to those we love about how much debt we are in?
Health Spending, Human Remains and Papal Medals
Is too much spent on health? Displaying human remains, and Pope honours Belfast man.