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Hundreds caught in 'No Stopping' layby

Hundreds of drivers have been caught parking in a bus stop in Mickleover.

Hundreds of drivers have been caught parking in a bus stop in Mickleover.

成人快手 Radio Derby found a Derby City Council refuse truck doing the same thing. Chris Doidge reports.

The council said: "The CCTV parking enforcement vehicle is a very effective way of protecting road users and pedestrians from accidents by keeping school crossing areas, bus stops and junctions free from illegally parked cars.

"Motorists only receive a fine if they park illegally and any money raised is used to improve roads and transportation in the city.

"Crossings and bus laybys are clearly marked and if anyone has a concern about a particular site we are very happy to look at it.

"A refuse lorry did park in a bus layby for a few minutes to allow members of the crew to use the toilet. It should not have done so and the driver has been identified and spoken to.

"Council vehicles are subject to the same regulations as every other vehicle and our drivers are subject to the same penalties as every other motorist.鈥

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