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Backstage Buzzcocks: Seann Walsh, Stacey Solomon, Ella Eyre and Harrison Koisser
What bird would Stacey be? What does Ella Eyre do on her tour bus? Why is Phill eating Harrison from Peace? Find out about our guests’ darkest dreams and most rock’n’roll moments as we go backstage...
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Backstage Buzzcocks—Never Mind the Buzzcocks
What goes on behind closed doors at NMTB?
More clips from Episode 2
Stacey Solomon gets a clue in the intros round
Duration: 01:04
More clips from Never Mind the Buzzcocks
The Snowman Identity Parade—Series 28, Christmas Show
Duration: 01:43
Steve Aoki's Cakie Roulette—Series 28, Episode 11
Duration: 01:47
"I love The Clash!"—Series 28, Episode 11
Duration: 01:39