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Food Friday - Strawberry & Rose Cheesecakes

Strawberry & Rose Cheesecakes


Cheesecake base (for 2 mini ramekins)
150g cream cheese
2 tbsp icing sugar
Squeeze of lemon juice
125ml double cream
1/2 Tsp vanilla bean paste

220g strawberries (hulled)
100g sugar
Juice 1/2 lemon
1tsp rose water
Handful of freeze dried rose petal (optional!)

50g shortbread biscuits
Knob of butter

Make it!

Put oven on to 150*
* Put the shortbread biscuits into a food bag & bash to large crumbs with your weapon of choice!
* Melt the butter and then combine with the crumbed biscuits
* spread the buttery crumbs onto a baking tray & bake for 5-10 minutes until they crisp lightly! Keep a close eye so they don't burn!

Meanwhile make the base:
* Lightly mix the cream cheese to a smooth consistency, mix in the icing sugar, lemon juice & vanilla paste.
* whip the double cream to 'stiff peak' stage then combine well with the cream cheese mix.
* divide evenly between your ramekins and compress to fill every gap!
* chill in the fridge for minimum of 1 hour, ideally 2.

Whilst the base is chilling make the compote:

*Put the strawberries, sugar & lemon juice onto a medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

* when the sugar has dissolved turn the heat up full and bring to a ferocious boil.. Continue to boil for 3-5 minutes.
* remove from the heat - be careful this is scorching hot!! Add the rose water & petals and gently stir. Allow to cool fully.

* when the base & compote are fully chilled spoon the compote on top of the base & crumble over the shortbread - enjoy!!!

If you want to make a full sized cheesecake just double the qtys specified above and allow the base to chill for at least 5 hours.

Release date:


10 minutes