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The Arts Hour Clips
Kendrick Lamar on Black Panther
Duration: 01:18
BTS: 'We practise 12 to 15 hours a day'
Duration: 02:02
Reframing Ethiopia through photography—On Tour in Addis Ababa
Duration: 01:28
Take a Culture Cab ride through Addis Ababa
Duration: 04:55
Ethiopia's cultural diversity
Duration: 01:13
Breaking down borders by tearing up maps
Duration: 01:20
Why would you turn a piano inside-out?
Duration: 01:46
Inside Lego's gigantic house of play—On Tour in Copenhagen
Duration: 01:25
Take a Culture Cab Ride Through Copenhagen
Duration: 04:29
Why are the Danish so happy?
Duration: 01:49
Are Danes afraid of beards?
Duration: 01:34
The world's most democratic film industry?
Duration: 02:18
Why 'saving the cat' is the screenwriter's secret weapon
Duration: 00:29
My "astonishing, bizarre 2017"
Duration: 01:28
The English word that enraged my Japanese mother
Duration: 00:51