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Emma Thompson: ‘I was sent some half-eaten radishes’
Actress Emma Thompson on writing The Further Tale of Peter Rabbit her sequel to Beatrix Potter’s beloved Tale of Peter Rabbit and the appeal of the long-eared rebel. Thompson tells Woman’s Hour presenter Jenni Murray about the imaginative exchange between her and Peter Rabbit himself which drew her into writing the book and about the need for danger and excitement in children’s literature.
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Woman's Hour - Arts and Entertainment—Woman's Hour
Books, Film, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts.
More clips from Emma Thompson, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Muslim women in Rochdale, and what is 'butch'?
Cook the perfect...blackberries, apple, cream
Duration: 08:30
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‘Make the most of them when you’ve got them’
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‘Dating taught me so much about myself’
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‘Linda Carter is a human being with her own demons’
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