The best of the world's arts, film, music and literature brought to you every day.
The best of the world's arts, film, music and literature brought to you every day. Presented by Anna McNamee
David Starkey on the history of royal pageants on the River Thames - he's curated an exhibition at the National Maritime Museum which is being visited by the Queen. On June 3rd she celebrates her Jubilee with a procession of boats.
Avengers Assemble
Now a superhero movie with not just one mega-powered saviour but a whole gang! Iron Man; Black Widow; The Incredible Hulk; Captain America and so on come together for Avengers Assemble. Is it any good? We find out.
Starring Jack Black as the Texan funeral director - Bernie - who befriends a wealthy widow played by Shirley MacLaine - this documentary-style film is based on a real-life murder. We find out whether to go and see it or not
Globe to Globe - Venus and Adonis
Written in the mid-16th century Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis opened the Globe to Globe season on London's South Bank on Saturday. Seen through distinctly South African eyes the Cape Town's Isango Ensemble Theatre Company performed the tale of love, seduction and pain.
Polish director Malgorzata Szumowska discusses her film Elles, which stars Juliette Binoche as a journalist who investigates students in Paris who finance their studies via prostitution.
Indian Reggae
It's not just Bollywood soundtrack tunes that are exciting young Indians nowadays, there's a burgeoning alternative music scene and reggae bands are making their mark.
Italian Museums:
How did a former hamburger salesman make Italian museums attractive to tourists again? We look at the current state of Italian culture and its overstretched resources, as budget cuts threaten museums.
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- Sun 29 Apr 2012 10:05GMT成人快手 World Service Online
- Mon 30 Apr 2012 03:05GMT成人快手 World Service Online