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Innovation for growth

Is innovation the way to get juicy new growth into weak economies? But is patent law holding back the development of new ideas?

Is innovation the way to get juicy new growth into weak economies? Lesley Curwen talks to Robert Matthams who founded, a transport website which won awards for innovation.

The US government is hoping innovation can help create new jobs. The 成人快手's Charlotte Ashton reports from Silicon Valley

British inventor Kane Kramer argues that inventors and innovators are finding it harder than ever to develop their new ideas because of the difficulties surrounding patent law.

Plus the 成人快手's Katy Watson reports from Dubai on why the Gulf states do badly in measures of innovation.

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18 minutes

Last on

Fri 18 Nov 2011 11:32GMT


  • Fri 18 Nov 2011 08:32GMT
  • Fri 18 Nov 2011 11:32GMT
