Learning Clips
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Why do I use so much water?
Duration: 01:14
Why do my days get longer and shorter?
Duration: 01:11
Image composition: Aspect ratio
Duration: 00:57
How far can I see into space?
Duration: 01:04
How powerful is my smartphone?
Duration: 00:58
Could you be the next YouTube sensation? How to make money
Duration: 01:09
How long will I live for?
Duration: 01:01
Do I use less energy than I used to?
Duration: 01:01
Am I at risk from cybercrime?
Duration: 00:57
Am I eating too much meat?
Duration: 01:01
How destructive are the world's nuclear weapons?
Duration: 01:01
What is my body made of?
Duration: 00:56
How far can I push my body?
Duration: 01:01
What is the fastest event at the Olympics?
Duration: 00:36
Could I handle the world's hottest chilli?
Duration: 00:48
Grace F Victory
Duration: 00:01
Hamlet Act 1, Scene 2 excerpt
Duration: 01:15
How do British people really take their tea?
Duration: 01:00
Just how big are the largest known stars?
Duration: 01:01
How would the great fire affect London today?
Duration: 01:00
James Clerk Maxwell's colour wheel
Duration: 04:16
How can I get my daily vitamin C?
Duration: 00:57
How much blood does my heart pump in a year?
Duration: 00:58
How long could your thumbnail grow in your lifetime?
Duration: 00:46