Learning Clips
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Easter Rising: Voice of a Rebel
Duration: 13:00
HORIZON Is you brain male or female
Duration: 03:02
Michael Mosley on Rene Descartes
Duration: 02:30
Michael Mosley on Galileo Galilei
Duration: 03:21
Visions of WW1 David Jones
Duration: 03:07
Visions of WW1 Lunt Roberts
Duration: 02:03
Visions of WW1 Memorials
Duration: 02:15
Visions of WW1 Augustus John
Duration: 01:27
Other People
Duration: 01:17
The Bay City Rollers discuss the origins of the band's name.
Duration: 00:39
Nile Rodgers on the hidden meaning in his songs
Duration: 01:37
Brain benefits for music
Duration: 00:44
The lefty advantage
Duration: 02:25
Tim Peake's launch into space
Duration: 03:48
Bay City Roller fighting
Duration: 00:01
The Airlander 10 airship
Duration: 02:08
Darwin's theory of evolution makes waves in the Church
Duration: 03:32
Is religion ever the main cause of war?
Duration: 02:33
Helium in MRI scanners
Duration: 00:39
Helium creation
Duration: 00:23
Nile Rodgers on the hidden meaning in his songs
Duration: 01:37
Carly Simon on songwriting interactive panel
Duration: 01:07
Nile Rodgers on Songwriting interactive panel
Duration: 02:32