The Forum Episodes Episode guide
World renowned thinkers and their ideas.
World renowned thinkers and their ideas.
What is intelligence?
James Flynn warns that human intelligence is both more and less than we think it is
Water conservation in India
Indian activist Sunita Narain on an inventive plan to solve the global water shortage
War and Civilisation
Big thinkers discuss their ideas on war and civilisation
Voodoo science
American physicist Robert calls us to shrug off superstition and face the facts of science
Utopia: Mr More’s Wondrous Islands
A celebration of Thomas More's Utopia and new short stories inspired by it.
Universal values in our daily lives
Professor Steven Lukes discusses moral relativism
Trust: how do we accumulate it?
Farid Zakaria explains why the US can re-invent itself as the world's honest broker
The world of sound
Argentinian classical composer Osvaldo Golijov on his category defying style
The unfinished theory of evolution
Why Darwin's theory of natural selection poses more questions than it does solutions
The tyranny of choice
Exploring how consumerism in the modern developed world may drive anxiety
The tangle of patterns
Ruth Padel, poet and descendant of Charles Darwin, on the scientists' observations
The stuff of thought
Psychologist Steven Pinker explores language as a window into human nature
The space time continuum
Astrophysicist Janna Levin on time could disappear in the future
The slippery power of creativity
Novelist Bernadine Evaristo discusses her subversive retelling of the slave trade
The Singularity is near
Ray Kurzweil explains why he believes people and technology will become one around 2045
The shadow in literature
Part 2 with guests: Argentine classical composer Osvaldo Golijov; Moscow-born novelist and broadcaster Zinovy Zinik; Professor of acoustic engineering Trevor Cox.
The secrets of meteorites
Space scientist Monica Grady on what meteorites reveal about the chance of life in space
The secret lives of cells
Biologist Lewis Wolpert on how cells know where to grow
The Real Pirates of the Caribbean
The story of the men and women who defined the ‘Golden Age’ of piracy.
The Powers of the American President
The Constitution, Congress and the US Presidency
The power of things unsaid
South African novelist Gillian Slovo examines the power of humiliation
The power of the spoken word
Scottish writer AL Kennedy on the power of words to shape and liberate us
The power of the small
British biologist Steve Jones on how small changes in life can have big consequences
The power of the scientific image
The comologist and mathematician John Barrow on why science is more visual than we think
The power of the planets
Neil de Grasse Tyson explains why planets have such a hold on the human imagination
The power of political satire
Pakistani author Mohammed Hanif turns his satrical scalpel on Pakistan's elite
The power of new communication networks
Manuel Castells on the shift of power from institutions to the world of communications
The power of law in social change
South African judge Albie Sachs believes human dignity should be the foundation of law