Science In Action Episodes Episode guide
Mystery of the first Americans
Why the first people to reach the Americas weren't ancestors of today's native Americans
Mystery Object Discovered in the Milky Way
A black hole or a neutron star discovered only 40,000 light years away in the Milky Way
Multiple Winners for three Nobel Prizes
Nobel prize-winners for chemistry, physics and medicine announced
Multi-generational Relationships have made us Human
Humans have the evolutionary advantages of longevity and multigenerational relationships
Mouse Stem Cells make Sperm
Mouse stem cells have been turned into sperm, which in turn have fertilised an egg
Mountaineers and the Ace Oxygen Gene
Does one version of a gene give some mountaineers an advantage at the highest altitudes?
Mount Nyiragongo erupts in the DRC
Eruption of volcano Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of Congo
More Volcanoes found to be Active
Four Chilean volcanoes are unexpectely reclassified as "active"
More solar Radiation reaches Earth
What will be the effect of more solar radiation reaching Earth?
Monsanto's gift of a large Sequence of Rice Genes
Monsanto's gift to the International Rice Genome Sequencing Project
Monkeys can count, naturally
Rhesus monkeys with a natural numeracy that's not learned from man
Mobile Phones could go Global by Satellite
Attempts to patent a satellite orbit in the battle for global mobile phone coverage
Mobile Genes contribute to Individuality
Rogue "mobile" genes discovered that change position randomly at the stem-cell stage
Mighty Clash we call an Earthquake
The geology behind the powerful earthquake that has hit India and Pakistan
Microscopic Plastic Pollutants
Microscopic particles of plastic are polluting our seas
Microfossil could rewrite History of Life on Earth
A microfossil from China suggests complex organisms evolved far earlier than we thought
Microbes from the oily Deep
Sulphur-cycle bacteria have been found living in oil wells 1,700 metres below ground
Mice with two Mothers
Scientists create mice with two mothers – and no father
Mice that produce Pig Sperm
Turning mice into pig sperm factories to study fertility
Mice that Never Get Fat
Genetically engineered mice that do not get fat, however much they eat
Methane Hydrate from under the Sea
Large methane hydrate deposits have been discovered on the seabed off north-west USA
Meteorite that fell to Earth in the Yukon
What do you do when you find a fresh meterorite? Put it in the freezer, of course
Meet the Nobel Science Prize-Winners
Nobel Prizes for Medicine, Chemistry and Physics go to research from as early as 1970s
Meet our genetic Adam and Eve
What do "mitochondrial Eve" and "Y-chromosome Adam" tell us about our origins?
Meet our closest galactic Neighbour
The newly-discovered Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is being consumed by the Milky Way
Medical Technology goes Nano
Tiny "autonomous molecular computers" are under development to detect and treat cancer
Mast Cells might help process Venom
Mouse mast cells may be instrumental in breaking down some venoms
Mars was once covered with Water
Mars was once covered in water for a long time
Marathon Mice
"Marathon mice" have just one gene modified to give them super stamina
Mankind first walked on two Legs – in Trees?
Did our ancestors first stand upright in trees, not on the ground?