Inspirit with Jumok茅 Fashola Episodes Episode guide
'Militant secularism', Yolanda Brown, The iPad Vicar
We discuss 'militant secularism', Yolanda Brown performs live and The iPad Vicar is in.
Women bishops, Lourdes and Whitney Houston
Paying tribute to Whitney Houston, who died on Saturday in her Beverley Hills hotel room.
Women bishops, wearing a cross and snow
What is behind the opposition to women bishops in the Church of England?
Baptism, dishonesty, gay marriage and C.S. Lewis
Who should decide the definition of marriage?
Sharia law, organ restoration and Festival for the Living
A growing number of non-Muslims are using Sharia law to resolve legal disputes.
Punishment, Islam and the 2012 Olympics
A new magazine critically examining Islam was launched this week.
Forgiveness, Nigerian violence and the London Community Gospel Choir
Reports of violence against Christians in Nigeria and the power of forgiveness.
Lucian Msamati, Matthew Jones and Christina Rees
Lucian Msamati on his role in a Comedy of Errors at the Olivier Theatre.
Gregory Porter, Maxwell Hutchinson and Father Peter Wilson
Singer Gregory Porter, Maxwell Hutchinson and Father Peter Wilson.
The Bishop of London, David McAlmont and a choir
Were David Cameron's comments this week about Christianity appropriate?
Charles Dickens, nativity plays and the Choir With No Name
Dotun Adebayo sits in for Jumoke.
Alfie Boe, phone applications and NHS data
Can you keep a secret?
Polygamy, fate and HIV
The practice of polygamy, the perception of HIV and Aids and are our lives planned for us?
Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner, Milton Jones and St Paul's
Dotun Adebayo sits in for Jumoke.
Satinder Singh, Kim Bacchus, Fr Dominic Robinson and the London Vocal Project
Satinder Singh reviews the papers and the London Vocal Project live in the studio.
Andrew Copson, Lezlie Anders Greco, Stacey Gregg and Jane Fallowfield
Andrew Copson reviews the papers and singer Lezlie Anders Greco on Peggy Lee.
Beverly Knight, Anne Graham Lotz and St Paul鈥檚
Beverly Knight on her visit to Malawi with Christian Aid.
Femi Temowo, Jonny Zucker and Jane Prowse
Musician Femi Temowo, author Jonny Zucker on his latest book and playwright Jane Prowse.
Dr. Brooke Rogers, Dr. William Craig, Antonia Bruce and Patterson Joseph
Psychologist Dr. Brooke Rogers on spirituality and Dr. William Craig on God.
Mark Vernon, lap dancing and the concept of evil and knitting
Philosopher Mark Vernon and lap dancing to pay for education fees.
Satjinder Singh, Chris Baines and Geoffrey Durham
Chris Baines on environmental matters and Geoffrey Durham on Quaker Week.
David Attenborough, Tessa Jowell and miracles
David Attenborough on creationism and Tessa Jowell on the Labour Party Conference.
Slavery, Sharon D Clarke, Rev. Richard Carter and Open House London
Sharon D Clarke from GHOST The Musical and Rev. Richard Carter on Radical Compassion.
Remembering 9/11 with Kat Calo and Fiyaz Mughal and Christina Rees
Remembering 9/11 with Kat Calo and Fiyaz Mughal.
Rabbi Dr Naftali Brawer, Ray Shell and the environment
Is the environment the great moral problem of our age?
Satinder Singh, Joel Edwards, Darren Cheesman and Barb Jungr
Joel Edwards on the infamous speech made by Martin Luther King 48 years ago.
Human Rights and the Union Chapel campers
Jumoke discusses Human Rights plus a chat with the Union Chapel campers about morality.
Satinder Singh, Julian Fraser, Akeela Ahmed, Phil Stokes and Nims Obunge
A host of guests on the London riots.
Tottenham riots, slaughter-free milk and organs
Would you sell an organ for a cash reward?
Good advice, Ramadan and marriage
What are you doing to prepare for Ramadan?