Inspirit with Jumok茅 Fashola Episodes Episode guide
Halloween, love and tolerance
Diwali the festival of lights, a memorial service in Brixton trick or treating.
Loneliness, energy bills and modern churches
Do you suffer from loneliness and will a rise in cost of energy bills affect you?
Pentecostal churches, MMR jab and preaching
The rise in Pentecostal churches, the MMR jab and should preaching be banned?
Religious education, Zoroastrianism and faith art
Dr Sarah Stewart on Zoroastrianism and is religious education still necessary?
JW3, Graves and 'Sacred History'
London cemeteries are low on space and author Mark Booth talks about 'Sacred History'.
The 'Y' word, values based education and the veil
Dotun Adebayo sits in for Jumoke.
Poverty, Peace and Julian Joseph
Food banks, 'The Little Big Peace Event' and Julian Joseph performs live.
With Richard Coles
Former Communards Musician turned Vicar Richard Coles on his new book.
Immigration, intervention in Syria and The Last Poets
Immigration, intervention in Syria and The Last Poets are live in the studio.
Syria, child poverty and Martin Luther King
Does the UK have a duty to help with the Syrian crisis?
The Spirituals perform live
Faith healing, the afterlife and the Spirituals perform live.
Sexual abuse blame, compassion and Romani Bible
Do you agree with Eddy Shah's comments on underage girls who have consensual sex?
Quickie divorces, the right-to-die and homosexuality
Quick divorces, the right-to-die and the Pope's comments on homosexuality in society.
成人快手lessness, diabetes and payday loans
How should the church help the homeless and could it offer an alternative to payday loans?
Benefit caps and call to prayer
With Lizzie Clinford, Pastor Alex Gyassi and The University of Surrey Gospel Choir.
Trayvon Martin, babies out of wedlock and the Shul of Rock
Trayvon Martin, bringing up babies out of wedlock and the Shul of Rock.
Fatherhood and church collection plates
Chruch collections, the way you look at your father and saying sorry.
Marianne Williamson, hospital chaplains and payday loans.
Author Marianne Williamson on Nelson Mandela and should Churches setup credit unions?
Sarbjit Kaur Athwall, devotion to God and psychic powers
Sarbjit Kaur Athwall on 'Shamed' and do you believe in psychic powers?
Slavery, activism and Father鈥檚 Day
Talking about slavery, activism and Father鈥檚 Day.
Nepotism and Patti Boulaye
Singer Patti Boulaye and how far would you go to help your children in their career?
Confessions and the Capital Children's Choir
Should confessions to a priest ever be passed on to the police?
The murder of Drummer Lee Rigby
Dotun Adebayo sits in for Jumoke with more reaction to the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.
Traditional values and Anthony Strong
Live music from Anthony Strong and traditional Values that have been lost from society.
Age of consent, young people attending church and the Reverie Choir
Lowering the age of consent, young people attending church and the Reverie Choir.
Sex education, poetry and the 2013 Chorus Festival
Sex education in schools, the Thirty Day Poetry Challenge and the 2013 Chorus Festival.
Depression and LD Frazier
Talking about depression and live music from LD Frazier.
The prison service and street-art
An Orthodox Jew is accusing the prison service of 'institutionalised anti-Semitism'.
Margaret Thatcher, the National Churches Trust and Page Three
The death of Margaret Thatcher and the Page Three Campaign.
Adoption, Hackney planning row and the London Community Gospel Choir
The Evangelical Alliance on adoption and a Hackney planning row.