Inspirit with Jumok茅 Fashola Episodes Episode guide
Inequality, radicalisation and Ranjana Ghatak
London's inequality, tackling radicalisation and live music from Ranjana Ghatak.
Afrikan Boy
Live music from Afrikan Boy.
Nick Chanda and blood donors
Dotun Adebayo sits in for Jumoke.
French attack and Church funding
Would you like to see more security at your place of worship?
Freedom of speech
How safe do you feel in London and do you believe in freedom of speech?
Faith and happiness
Does it matter whether the Prime Minister has a faith?
Reaction to the Chilcot report
Discussing the Chilcot report with an ex-serviceman and the father of a fallen soldier.
With Ashley Joseph and post-EU referendum hate crimes
Writer Ashley Joseph talks about The Merchant of Venice.
EU referendum and the Tricycle Young Company
Wide ranging debate on the EU referendum result and what the future now holds for London.
Refugee Week and Father鈥檚 Day
Do we need to do more to help refugees and what are your memories of your father?
With Joan Bakewell
Baroness Joan Bakewell talks about religious and ethical broadcasting.
Asylum and motor neurone disease
Dotun Adebayo sits in for Jumoke.
Saying grace and mixed race
Saying grace at the dinner table and how do you identify yourself if you're of mixed race?
Prison reforms and John Fisher and the IDMC choir
The planned prison reforms and live music from John Fisher and the IDMC choir
Freedom of speech
What are the limits of free speech?
With Charmaine Wombwell and Raymond Antrobus
Charmaine Wombwell and Raymond Antrobus on "A Language We Both Know How To Sound Out".
With Ellen Thomas
Actress Ellen Thomas and are we seeing a rise in anti-Semitism?
With Judith Owen, Shakespeare and circumcision
Live music from Judith Owen and Shakespeare and religion.
Nwanda Ebizie and child inequality
Nwanda Ebizie and forty years of "Christians in Library and Information Services".
Nature and nurture, yoga and charity work
Does nature trump nurture and is yoga moving away from its spiritual beginnings?
Burkinis, cultural appropriation and faith schools
Is the burkini a step too far when it comes to dressing modestly?
With Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Christina Rees and Miles Jupp
The Archbishop of Westminster Cathedral and comedian Miles Jupp.
With Charlotte de Klee and Edoardo Albert
Producer Charlotte de Klee talks about "The Passion of Jesus".
With Bumi Thomas and homelessness
Singer-songwriter Bumi Thomas and the increase of rough sleepers in London.
Mothers and difficult decisions
Children with life-limiting illness and the history of Mothering Sunday.
Dame Janet Smith review and Jewish Book Week
Reaction to the Dame Janet Smith review and Dr. Aaron Rosen talks about his book.
Pope John Paul II and platonic friendships
The secret letters of Pope John Paul II and can men and women be friends?
Chinese New Year and Mental health chaplains
Mental health chaplains in London and does work make you happy?
With Izabella Urbanowicz, Anthony Green and Natasha Soldati
Actress Izabella Urbanowicz and director Anthony Green talk about "Hamlet Peckham".
With Martha Fiennes and face veils
Martha Fiennes talks about her moving-image artwork "NATIVITY".