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Ideas develop for Pat, while confusion reigns for the Grundy family.

Clarrie and Emma visit George and find to their surprise that he’s very worried about Eddie. George believes they’re keeping information from him about an illness. He’s had a letter from Keira and Poppy, suggesting he speaks to the family to find out more details. With Emma and Clarrie nonplussed, George realises he’s been duped by his sisters. Clarrie thinks it’s sweet that they’ve concocted this plan to get George to see her and Emma, but George thinks they shouldn’t have used his grandpa this way. However he does admit it was kind of a Grundy thing to do. Emma’s really happy to see George smile. He admits he misses them all. Emma suggests tentatively that they might visit again, and George agrees.
Susan admits to Pat that whilst she’s glad Clarrie’s got to see George, it does still hurt that that he won’t have anything to do with her – and there’s no sign of him coming back from that. Talk turns to the looming fight for their jobs. When Helen ventures that it’s nobody’s fault, Pat’s riled. She puts the blame squarely with the sewage leak incident. They need a more effective way to make their voices heard. Susan suggests a ring of the church bells, to rouse people to the cause. But Neil isn’t happy with the idea. He believes the leak could be as much down to climate change as mismanagement. Pat points out Susan could lose her job – the bells would be for her and Clarrie. Might Neil reconsider and ask Alan’s opinion, for Susan’s sake?

27 days left to listen

13 minutes

Last on

Wednesday 14:00


  • Tuesday 19:00
  • Wednesday 14:00

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