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Emotions run high for the Maliks and Freddie has a brainwave.

While Akram starts preparing their evening meal in Lynda’s kitchen, Khalil is still off with him after events on Tuesday. When Khalil stops doing his homework, Akram tries boosting Khalil by telling him how brave he’s been. But for Khalil the point is that his cancer could still come back. And if it does, he doesn’t want to have spent his whole life being careful, following every rule. They end up having a big hug, admitting how much they’ve missed each other.

Brad struggles at nets, but it’s soon apparent he doesn’t have any talent for cricket. Brad’s envious of Chris and Tom, who make everything look so easy. It’s the same for Tracy. Despite Jim’s reassurances, Brad reckons he doesn’t take after his mum at all. Then Eddie calls Brad, heaping pressure on him to do more work for George. After nets, Jim and Freddie discuss how standards on the cricket team have slipped following the winter break – and Brad clearly isn’t the answer to their prayers. Then Freddie thinks of something else Brad can help with, persuading Jim to take on Brad as his apprentice scorer.

Later, Eddie expresses his disappointment in Brad in no uncertain terms, despite Brad telling him George doesn’t mind him quitting. Eddie perks up though when he hears George has some new business ideas. Eddie then sings Brad an unfinished rap song he’s composed about tractors and hi-vis vests. When unimpressed Brad doesn’t respond in the right way Eddie reckons George is probably better off without him.

15 days left to listen

13 minutes

Last on

Fri 14 Mar 2025 14:00


  • Thu 13 Mar 2025 19:00
  • Fri 14 Mar 2025 14:00

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