Gap Finders: Scamp & Dude founder Jo Tutchener-Sharp
Jo Tutchener-Sharp started clothing brand Scamp & Dude after a health scare.
Jo Tutchener-Sharp decided that she wanted to leave the fast paced and stressful world of public relations, and sold the beauty PR company that she started. But during that process she started getting really bad headaches. Shortly after, Jo had to go undergo a life saving brain operation, and whilst in recovery she came up with an idea that would go on to become Scamp & Dude.
The inspiration came while Jo was separated from her children during her lengthy recovery in hospital. She wished that she could give them something that could comfort them and give them superpowers – so the idea of the Sleep Buddy was born. It's a soft toy with a special photo pocket for whomever the child wants to hold close.
Within less than a year Scamp & Dude products were selling online and in Liberty’s of London, and they also joined up with charities to provide scarves for women going through chemotherapy. Since starting in 2015 they have developed their offering from toys and children's clothes to bring in a womenswear range, as well as continuing with their original aims of empowering people going through medical treatment.
Presenter: Winifred Robinson
Producer: Dave James