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Ilija - A’ Chiad Rèis Agam

Episode 2 of 9

Tha Ilija dol a ruith sa chiad rèis aige – saoil ciamar a thèid dha? Ilija is going to run in his first race, how will he get on?

Seach gur e Ilija as luaithe anns a’ chlas, tha an tidsear air a chur a-steach 'son a’ chiad rèis aige - an rèis mhòr 350 meatair a bhios air a cumail ann an baile Bar sa Chèitean. Saoil ciamar a thèid dha?

As Ilija is the fastest in his class, the teacher has signed him up for his first race - the big 350m event held in the city of Bar in May. How will he get on?

Release date:

15 minutes


Wed 19 Feb 2025 17:55

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