Episode 1
Sreath aithriseach a’ sgrùdadh glacadh dhrogaichean cho mòr ’s a bha a-riamh ann an Alba. Documentary investigating one of the biggest drug seizures in Scottish history.
Ann an 1990 chaidh cocain luach £100 millean a thoirt gu mì-laghail a-steach do Bhagh Chlais an Easaidh gu tuath air Ulapul. Còrr is 30 bliadhna air ais, theich am fear a stiùir a’ mhèirle, Julian Chisholm, à prìosan san Spà inn agus cha deach fhaicinn bhon uair sin. Ann an sreath de thrì pà irtean, nì an neach-naidheachd Anna NicLeòid cladhach ann an saoghal dorcha thrafaigeadh dhrogaichean ’s i a’ sgrùdadh mar a chruthaich Chisholm luchd-taic bho na là ithean dà ibhidh aige ’s mar a thrus e sgioba ann am baile iasgaich Ulapul. Tro agallamhan le luchd-lagha a chuidich gus plana Chisholm a bhristeadh, le eòlaichean agus cuid a thrafaig drogaigeach aig aon à m, bheir Anna dealbh den sgeulachd inntinneach seo am follais, eadar Obar Dheathain is Columbia gu crìch na sgeòil ann am fà sach Spainneach.
In 1990, £100 million worth of cocaine was trafficked into Clashnessie Bay, north of Ullapool. The ring leader of the heist Julian Chisholm, escaped from a Spanish prison over 30 years ago and has never been seen again.
In this gripping three-part series, journalist Anna MacLeod delves in to the murky world of drug trafficking to explore how Chisholm created a network of associates from his days as a deep-sea diver and used the fishing town of Ullapool to recruit his gang.
Featuring interviews with those in law enforcement that helped to subvert Chisholm’s plot, as well as insights from experts and former drug traffickers. Anna builds a complete picture of this fascinating story, taking us from Aberdeen to Colombia and ending in the Spanish desert.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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