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Fionn a’ Tighinn air Bòrd

Episode 6 of 13

Tha Fionn a’ feuchainn ri athair a stad is tha e feumach air taic bho Na Neachdan. Fionn is trying to stop his father and needs help from the Neachdan family.

Tha Fionn feumach air taic bho na Neachdan. Feumar athair, Tormod Mòr, a stad mus faigh e greim air ulaidh sònraichte. Chan eil Fionn 'son ‘s gum boin athair dhan ulaidh 's gum bi e air a ghortachadh ri linn sin. Saoil ciamar a thèid leotha?

Fionn needs help from the Neachdan. His father, Tormod Mòr, must be stopped from getting his hands on a treasure. Fionn doesn’t want his father to touch this treasure and get hurt in the process. How will they get on with this?

Release date:

21 minutes
