³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Episode 1 & 2
Tha sianar neach-ciùil òga a’ farpais sa chuairt dheireannaich airson tiotal phrìseil. Six talented finalists compete for this prestigious title, live from Glasgow’s City Halls.
Tha Joy Dunlop a’ toirt thugaibh oidhche fharpaiseach agus aighearrach bho Fhèis Celtic Connections, beò à Tallaichean a’ Bhaile ann an Glaschu. Bidh sianar neach-ciùil tà lantach, òga a farpais airson duais phrìseil Neach-Ciùil Traidiseanta Ã’g ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Radio Scotland 2025. Tha an fharpais bhliadhnail seo a’ taisbeanadh an luchd-ciùil òga as tà lantaiche ann an Alba.
A’ gabhail pà irt anns a’ chuairt dheireannach bidh Laura Penman, a’ chlà rsach (Dùn Èideann); Miguel Girão, giotar (A’ Phortagail); Noah Scott, a’ phià no (An Fhraing); Clelland Shand, am bocsa-ciùil (Dùn Phà rlain); Roo Geddes, an fhidheal (Glaschu) agus an t-seinneadair Ellie Beaton (Siorrachd Obar Dheathain). Cò a leanas Calum McIlroy, a thog an duais an uiridh?
Joy Dunlop presents coverage of one of the most exciting, and competitive, nights at Celtic Connections. Six talented young musicians take to the stage in Glasgow’s City Halls to compete for the prestigious title of ³ÉÈË¿ìÊÖ Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician 2025.
Each year the competition showcases the best young musicians and singers from Scotland’s traditional music scene. Competing this year are: Laura Penman, clarsach (Edinburgh); Miguel Girão, guitar (Portugal); Noah Scott, piano (France); Clelland Shand, accordion (Dunfermline); Roo Geddes, fiddle (Glasgow) and singer Ellie Beaton (Aberdeenshire). But who will follow in the footsteps of last year’s winner Calum McIlroy?
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- Sun 2 Feb 2025 17:05
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