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Episode 6

Peter meets some rescue dogs before making a final decision about his new puppy companion. Coinnichidh Pàdruig ri coin theasairgte mus dèan e co-dhùnadh mun chompanach ùr aige.

In this exciting final episode, Peter faces a big decision: which breed will he choose as his second puppy and companion for Flòraidh? So far, he’s met skye terriers, deerhounds, Dandie Dinmont terriers, westies and labradors: all with qualities that have won him over. But before he makes his choice, Peter has one more type of dog in mind: rescue dogs. With patience and love, rescue dogs can make wonderful pets - could one of them be the perfect match?

Peter visits friends with rescue and mixed-breed dogs, before travelling to Fife to meet top scent-detection dogs, all of whom began as rescues. Inspired by what he sees, Peter explores the rewarding companionship a rescue dog can bring. Finally, he heads to a local dog show, revisiting some of the remarkable breeds he’s encountered, before returning to the hut to make his heartfelt decision.

Anns a’ phrògram dheireannach thiamhaidh seo, tha co-dhùnadh mòr roimh Phàdruig: cò am briod a thaghas e airson a bhith na chompanach dha Flòraidh? Gu ruige seo choinnich e ri abhagan Sgitheanach, mialchoin-fhèidh, abhagan Dandie Dinmont, Westidhean agus Labradoran – agus bha iad uile tarraingeach. Ach mus dèan e co-dhùnadh, tha aire Phàdruig air seòrsa cù eile: coin theasairgte. Le foighidinn agus gaol, 's urrainn dha coin theasairgte a bhith nam peataichean air leth – saoil am biodh aon dhiubh freagarrach?

Tha Pàdruig a' tadhal air caraidean aig a bheil coin theasairgte agus gnèithean measgaichte, mus dèan e air Fìobha a choinneachadh ri coin sròinich – a thòisich nan coin theasairgte. Air a mhisneachadh leis na tha e a' faicinn, tha Pàdruig a' rannsachadh na buannachdan a thig an cois cù teasairgte. Mu dheireadh, thèid e gu fèill-chon ionadail, far am faic e cuid de na seòrsachan coin a choinnich e roimhe, mus till e dhan bhothag airson co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Sat 28 Dec 2024 19:30

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