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Gasping for Breath

Winifred Robinson reports from Bradford on a new vaccine to protect the under fives in the UK from a chest infection that leads to thousands of hospital admissions every winter.

成人快手 Radio 4 has been reporting on the Born in Bradford health research project since it launched in 2007. Each year Winifred Robinson reports on the latest health findings as doctors and academics work with parents and children in the city to find solutions to some of the most stubborn and complex health problems.

In the latest programme Winifred investigates the launch of a national vaccination programme aimed at preventing thousands of babies being admitted to hospitals with chest conditions caused by the virus RSV. Medical teams at the Bradford Royal Infirmary helped with trials of RSV vaccines and will be tracking babies to see what longer term impact there might be on their health.

The hope had been that enough pregnant women would be vaccinated to make a significant reduction to the number of babies requiring hospital treatment - 30,000 a year - and the number of deaths from RSV - around thirty. This hasn't happened yet and doctors in Bradford share their concerns about both the delivery of the vaccine and the hesitancy being expressed by those offered it.

Since it was launched Born in Bradford has helped shape Government policy on issues ranging from glucose testing in pregnancy, through to the provision of reading glasses in classrooms. The project started with 14,000 pregnant mothers, who filled out detailed questionnaires and agreed to donate cord blood from their babies. Since then these children have taken part in the research, which has been extended to cover all secondary schools in the City

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28 minutes

Last on

Monday 15:30


  • Sun 16 Mar 2025 13:30
  • Monday 15:30