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An Trèana/The Train

Everybody is bored. Abney builds a train so they can go on a tour. Then Teal has an idea: why don’t they tour the whole island? It is a fantastic tour until something gets in the way!

Tha a h-uile duine air an sàrachadh is cùisean cho dòrainneach. Tha Àtaidh a’ togail trèana airson is gun urrainn dhaibh uile a dhol air turas. An uair sin tha beachd aig Tilidh, is tha i a’ moladh gun tèid iad uile air turas timcheall an eilein air fad. ’S e turas air leth a th’ ann, gus an tig rudeigin nan rathad!

Everybody is bored. Abney builds a train so they can go on a tour. Then Teal has an idea: why don’t they tour the whole island? It is a fantastic tour until something gets in the way!

Release date:

11 minutes
