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Shuas gu h-Àrd/Sky High

It is extremely windy and Neep has a wonderful time flying through the air on a whirligig.

Tha i air leth gaothach. Tha e a’ còrdadh ri Nìp a bhith sgèith san adhar, is e air a shiabadh leis a’ ghaoith. Tha Àtaidh agus Tilidh a’ dol a chèilidh air Blor is tha e a’ sèideadh builgean mòr an urra dhaibh, airson is gun tèid acasan ri sgèith san adhar cuideachd. Tha iad a’ dol nas àirde is nas àirde is nas àirde, is tha an t-eagal air Àtaidh.

It is extremely windy and Neep has a wonderful time flying through the air on a whirligig. Abney and Teal go to see Bop who blows a giant bubble for each of them so they can join in. They go higher and higher, which Abney is not too sure about…

4 weeks left to watch

11 minutes


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