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The Shires

An acoustic set from the country music stars, The Shires. Musicians Crissie Rhodes and Ben Earle have become popular since they appeared with Brave in 2015, an album which shook up country music.

Seisean acoustic aig Belladrum còmhla ri rionnagan tuath-cheòl, The Shires. Tha luchd-leantainn air gabhail gu mòr ris an dithis luchd-ciùil Crissie Rhodes agus Ben Earle bho nochd iad le ‘Brave’ ann an 2015, clàr a thug crathadh air tuath-cheòl san dùthaich. Bhon uair sin tha iad air moladh fhaighinn airson an gnè ciùil aca a thoirt gu ginealach ùr de luchd-leantainn.

An acoustic set from the country music stars, The Shires. Musicians Crissie Rhodes and Ben Earle have become popular since they appeared with Brave in 2015, an album which shook up country music in the UK. Since then, the duo have been widely acclaimed for bringing country music to a new audience.

Release date:

4 months left to watch

30 minutes

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