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Croft No. Five

Over twenty years since their breakthrough, Croft No. Five continue to inspire as much devotion among the fans who welcome them to the main stage at Belladrum.

Belladrum 2024 Ep 14/33 (iPlayer only)

Croft No. Five air an àrd-ùrlar aig Belladrum.
Croft No. Five on the main stage at Belladrum.

Fàilte ga chur air Croft No. Five gu prìomh àrd-ùrlar Belladrum
Trad music legends, Croft No. Five on the main stage at Belladrum.

Le corr air fichead bliadhna bho shoirbhich leotha an toiseach, tha Croft No. Five fhathast a’ brosnachadh dìlseachd am measg luchd-leantainn agus iad a’ cur fàilte air a’ chòmhlan gu prìomh àrd-ùrlar Belladrum. Tha a’ chòmhlan a’ stialladh tro sreath de phuirt a tha a’ taisbeanadh an tàlant airson sgrìobhadh tarraingeach.

Over twenty years since their breakthrough, Croft No. Five continue to inspire as much devotion among the fans who welcome them to the main stage at Belladrum. The band tear through a setlist which demonstrates their talent for writing and performing catchy tunes.

Release date:

4 months left to watch

30 minutes

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