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Jake Bugg

On the second day of the festival, Singer Songwriter Jake Bugg headlines the Garden Stage at Belladrum 2024.

Belladrum 2024 Ep 10/33 (iPlayer only)

Jake Bugg air Àrd-ùrlar a’ Ghàrraidh aig Belladrum.
Jake Bugg on the Garden Stage at Belladrum.

An seinneadair & sgrìobhaiche òrain Jake Bugg air Àrd-ùrlar a’ Ghàrraidh aig Belladrum 2024.
Singer and songwriter Jake Bugg headlines the Garden Stage at Belladrum, 2024.

Air an dàrna latha den fhèis, ’s e an seinneadair is sgrìobhaiche òrain Jake Bugg am prìomh thaisbeanadh air Àrd-ùrlar a’ Ghàrraidh aig Belladrum 2024. Thàinig e gu aire an t-sluaigh ann an 2012 nuair a chaidh ‘Lightning Bolt’ gu mullach nan clàran air feadh an t-saoghail. Bhon uair sin, tha e air sia clàraidhean a dhèanamh agus air tallaichean a lìonadh anns gach ceàrnaidh.

On the second day of the festival, singer-songwriter Jake Bugg headlines the Garden Stage at Belladrum 2024. Bugg came to public attention in 2012 when Lightning Bolt reached the top of the charts all over the world. Since then, he has recorded six albums and played to packed halls everywhere.

Release date:

9 months left to watch

30 minutes

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