Ramsay visits the bustling Turkish city of Istanbul. Tha Ramsay a’ tadhal air prìomh bhaile thrang na Tuirc, Istanbul.
Ramsay MacMahon is in Europe where he explores the continent’s most fascinating cities. In this programme, he visits the transcontinental city of Istanbul bridging east and west.
At the famous Grand Bazaar, he barters with some of the greatest salesmen in the world. Ramsay is treated to a massage at a hammam, has his fortune told in a special coffee house and is pampered at a local barber. He visits a taverna to taste the Turkish spirit raki, also known as ‘lion’s milk’.
In the Old City, he visits some of the world’s most spectacular buildings - the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque and while there, he listens to the mesmerising sound of the dusk call-to-prayer.
Before leaving Istanbul, Ramsay travels from Europe to Asia aboard a ferry across the Bosphorus Strait. There, he samples a street food known as kokoreç made from lamb offal before he watches the sun set behind the Old City.
Tha Ramsay MacMahon san Roinn Eòrpa a’ rannsachadh a bailtean-mòra iongantach. Sa phrògram seo tha e a’ tadhal air baile-mòr eadarmhòrthìreil Istanbul.
Sa’ Mhargaid Mhòr tha e a’ barganachadh a-measg luchd malairt as fheà rr a th’ann. Tha e a’ faighinn suathadh bodhaig ann a hammam, leughadh pearsanta bho ban-fhiosaiche ann am bùth cofaidh sònraichte agus fheusag geà rrte le borbair Tuirceach. Tha e tadhal air taigh-òil airson blasad raki- ‘bainne leomhainn’
San t-Seana Bhaile tha e sealltainn air toglaichean eireachdail - Hagia Sophia agus Am Mosc Gorm. Fhad’s a tha e sin cluinnidh e an ceòl driùidhteach gan gairm gu ùrnaigh an fheasgair.
Mas fà g e Istanbul, tha e dol air bòrd bà ta-aiseig a’ siubhal tarsainn Caolas Bhosphorous bhon Roinn Eòrpa gu Àisia. An sin a’ coimhead na grèine dol fodha air chùl an t-Seana Bhaile, blaisidh e air biadh srà ide ris an canar kokoreç, dèante à anablaich uain.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Ramsay MacMahon |
Editor | Mairead Morrison |
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