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Co-là-breith Chailein/Happy Birthday Gareth

Dave makes a Gareth shaped piñata for Gareth’s birthday, but his starfish friend is confused when the Spuds bash it to pieces.

Tha Pòl a’ cruthachadh piñata ann an cumadh crosgaig do cho-là-breith Chailein. Ach tha e a’ cur dragh uabhasach air Cailean nuair a tha na Pluic a’ tòiseachadh ri bhualadh. Tha Cailean deimhinne nach toil le Pòl e tuilleadh, is tha e a’ fàgail an dachaigh is a’ tilleadh gu muir. An lorg Pòl Cailean airson innse dha gu bheil e fada ceàrr?

Dave makes a Gareth shaped piñata for Gareth’s birthday, but his starfish friend is confused when the Spuds bash it to pieces. Convinced that Dave does not like her anymore, Gareth leaves and heads out to sea. Can Dave find her in time and persuade her that it was all a silly misunderstanding?

11 minutes
