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Dealbhadh Sheòmair/Interior Design

Derek 'Pluto' Murray hosts a fun knockout amateur DIY competition where couples go head to head. Derek 'Pluto' Moireach le farpais spòrsail DIY is cupail a’ strì an aghaidh a chèile.

In an exciting amateur DIY competition, Derek 'Pluto' Murray, with the help of head judge Iain Spanish MacKay and guest judge, interior designer and presenter Erica MacPherson, will set the three remaining couples some interior design-themed challenges. As no nstructions are included, the couples will need to improvise and keep their heads as they try to work out how best to tackle each task and create their own DIY masterpieces as a team.

With one couple leaving at the end of the programme, who can win the judges’ vote, secure their place in the next round and be one step nearer to being crowned Dùbhlain DIY champions and the cash prize of £2,000?

Ann am farpais ùr spòrsail DIY, tha Derek "Pluto" Moireach, le taic bhon phrìomh bhritheamh Iain Spanish MacAoidh, a’ cur fàilte air an t-eòlaiche sgeadachadh sheòmraichean agus preseantair Rùm gu Rùm, le Erica mar bhritheamh air aoigheachd, agus i a’ cur dùbhlain co-cheangailte ri cuspair sgeadachaidh mu choinneamh na 3 cupail a th’ air fhàgail. Mar as àbhaist anns an t-sreath seo, chan eil sgeul air na stiùiridhean, mar sin feumaidh iad cùisean obrachadh a-mach dhaibh fhèin, cumail stòlta agus obrachadh còmhla gus na dùbhlain a choileanadh. Le aon chupal a’ fàgail aig deireadh a’ phrògraim, cò a chruthaicheas an rud as fheàrr gus an t-àite aca a ghlèidheadh san ath chuairt agus ceum nas fhaisge a ghabhail air crùn ‘Dùbhlain DIY’ agus duais de £2000?

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Derek 'Pluto' Murray
Producer Nick Low
Director David Martin
Editor Struan Adam
Production Company Demus Productions
Production Company Seaglass Pictures
